Top 10 Sustainability Tips for Students

Get Networked: Connect with Student Sustainability Groups on Campus

Georgetown is home to over a dozen student clubs and organizations addressing sustainability and environmental topics. Start with the link below to learn more and get involved!

Hydrate! Fill Your Reusable Water Bottle on Campus

When you carry a reusable bottle on campus, you help reduce waste – and you can fill up on water at any sink, fountain, bottle-filling station or Corp cafe (just ask!).

Map of Water Bottle Filling Stations on Campus

If a water bottle filling station is missing from this map, please let us know by emailing

Getting Around D.C. Without a Car

Getting around Washington, DC without a car is a breeze for Georgetown students, thanks to the the city’s extensive transit and bicycle networks, and the campus’s free shuttle buses and convenient access to BikeShare, and Zipcar.

How to Recycle on Campus

At Georgetown, recycling is our standard. We know that recycling practices can vary from state to state, city to city and even from one building to another in the same town, so we’ve produced a simple one-stop shop where you can find out how to recycle on campus, Hoya style!

Healthy, Fresh, Local: Finding Sustainable Food on Campus and in D.C.

Whether you’re dining on campus or exploring DC, sustainable food choices are never hard to find. Check out these resources below to learn more:

On Campus:

In DC:

Take a Sustainability Class

The university offers over 80 courses related to sustainability, taught by departments across campus. Explore these resources to find a course (and be sure to check the course catalog regularly for the most up-to-date information!):

Engage Sustainably from an Integrated and Holistic Approach

At Georgetown, we pursue sustainability as a “quadruple bottom line” – people, planet, prosperity and purpose, driven by our Catholic and Jesuit heritage and our commitment to the common good. Inherent in the concept of sustainability is the idea of improving the quality of life for all people, while preserving the planet’s natural life support systems.

Explore the links below to find out how Georgetown’s Jesuit values and core mission  compel us to pursue sustainability:

Catholic and Jesuit Faith and Ecology:

Campus Resources on Social Justice and Sustainability:

Sustainability and Global Social Justice:

Know Your Impact!

In the world of sustainability, they say you can’t manage what you don’t measure. Our individual impacts on the planet are no exception! Here are three simple tools to help you get started and calculate the size of your environmental footprint: