Kristoffer Nessler’s Reflections

Kristoffer Nessler
Director of Outdoor Education
What is your connection to sustainability or the environmental movement? This can be on a personal or professional level.
I am a year-round bike commuter – don’t own a car. Also working on completing my Maryland Master Naturalist certification. Professionally, OE has focused on spending more time in our local parks – we want to connect students to places close to home.
What is an action you are taking to improve the environment, whether in your personal or professional life?
As the Director of Outdoor Education, I rely on the natural world and environment for the work I do for GU. I want to be a good steward, manager, and advocate for the environment.
Do you have an environmental “fun fact” you would like to share? This can be an anecdote, something you’ve read, or anything else that feels important to you!
“A thing is right when it tends to preserve the integrity, stability and beauty of the biotic community. It is wrong when it tends otherwise.”
― Aldo Leopold, A Sand County Almanac and Sketches Here and There
Do you have a recommendation or piece of advice for Hoyas who wish to do more to help the planet?
I believe one needs to connect first and then act. Get off campus, walk and sit in the woods – make the connection. Then get busy being an advocate in a way that makes sense for you.
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