
Sustainable Mobility

Georgetown recognizes the multiple benefits associated with more sustainable transportation. We make the campus accessible for faculty, staff, students and visitors through many convenient transportation options, and offer an online transportation portal at   to help the campus community make convenient and sustainable choices. 

Benefits of Sustainable Transportation

Dependence on automobiles can lead to negative effects such as air pollution, increased greenhouse gas emissions, roadway congestion and high infrastructure costs. Alternatives like those described below can help reduce these environmental impacts, and also promote other personal benefits like physical wellness through increased daily activity (such as walking and biking), and reduced financial costs associated with owning, parking and maintaining a private automobile.

Sustainability and GU’s Campus Fleet

Georgetown’s campus fleet integrates alternative-fuel vehicles: 

Sustainable Commuting

In many ways, sustainable transportation comes naturally to Georgetown. As an urban campus with constrained access to land, the University strives to minimize surface parking and use our limited land resources for other purposes that serve our mission, and in recent years a number of surface parking lots have been converted to higher-use buildings and facilities. That goal dovetails well with our sustainability efforts, in that we make it a priority to provide our students, faculty, staff and visitors with convenient alternatives to single-occupancy vehicle use.

As of 2014, nearly two-thirds of our campus commuters arrive to work and class by means other than driving alone, and by policy  , undergraduate students do not have cars at Georgetown.

The university provides a number of convenient options   for sustainable and alternative transportation to and from campus, including our free university shuttle, public transportation, bicycling, car-sharing, and other means.

Transportation Planning

As part of its ongoing master planning process, Georgetown is planning for transportation investments that will improve access to and around campus and make the Main Campus more pedestrian and bicycle friendly. The university has adopted core planning principles of creating a pedestrian-friendly campus and improving transportation modes and means into campus.

Through ongoing Transportation Demand Management (TDM) planning, the university is developing strategies to reduce traffic congestion, parking demand and vehicle miles traveled, with benefits to air quality, human health and sustainability. Additionally, GU has been a stakeholder in the Georgetown Business Improvement District’s (BID) 15-year strategic planning process, which included an emphasis on the future of transportation.  Through this effort, GU has voiced support for exploring a number of alternative transportation solutions such as a streetcar, an additional metro stop and increased bicycle connections with local trail systems. 

Bicycle-Friendly Campus

In 2013, GU was recognized by the League of American Bicyclists as the first Bicycle-Friendly University   in the District of Columbia, in recognition of initiatives such as free showers offered for bicycle commuters on campus, installation of bicycle repair stands on campus, regular safe-cycling classes offered on campus, and plans to increase secure, covered bicycle storage in future construction.

5% percent of Georgetown University commuters get to Georgetown by bike, almost twice the average mode split for the rest of the city!

There are over 100 bicycle racks with over 1,000 total bicycle parking spots on campus! Bicycling is a key component of Georgetown’s sustainable transportation mix. Biking on campus, whether for commuting or just for fun, supports healthy lifestyles among our campus community members while using fewer resources and promoting a healthier planet.

More information on transportation for students, staff, faculty, and visitors

Visit   to learn more!