Celebrate Earth Month 2014 at Georgetown

At Georgetown, you can celebrate Earth Day all month long! 

Whether you’re looking for service activities, educational programs, or just plain fun, explore the calendar of events, below, to find out how you can participate in environmental and sustainability events across campus this April.

Know of an event that should be included? Send details to sustainability@georgetown.edu.

Featured Event

Tercek Headshot
Earth Day Keynote: “The Value of Nature,” with Mark Tercek, President and CEO of The Nature Conservancy

Join an evening keynote and conversation with Mark Tercek, President and CEO of The Nature Conservancy (TNC), the global conservation organization known for its intense focus on collaboration and getting things done for the benefit of people and nature. The event will explore themes from Mark’s bestselling book Nature’s Fortune: How Business and Society Thrive by Investing in Nature .

Tuesday, April 22
ICC Auditorium
Doors open at 6:45pm, event begins at 7:00pm
Please register to attend.  Click here to download an event flyer.

The first 15 guests will receive a free copy of Mr. Tercek’s book!

Full earth month 2014 Calendar

April 5th

Community Service Event: Stream Cleanup with Georgetown Environmental Law Society

Join the Georgetown Environmental Law Society to help clean up the Anacostia River watershed. ELS is hosting a Stream Cleanup event to pick up trash along the Anacostia Riverwalk Trail on the Southwest Waterfront (near the Nationals Stadium and Navy Yard Metro). The cleanup event is part of the Alliance for the Chesapeake Bay’s Project Clean Stream. April 5th, 11:00AM – 2:00PM. Meet at Yards Park along the Anacostia Riverwalk. To RSVP or with questions, contact matthew.m.goetz@gmail.com and cc environment@law.georgetown.edu.

April 6th

Get Outside with Outdoor Ed: Day-Hike at Great Falls

Connect with the natural environment on an Outdoor Ed trip! For more information and to register, visit outdoored.georgetown.edu. With questions, contact kwn6@georgetown.edu.

April 7th

Discussion Panel and Launch Party: Insights into the Making of Federal and State Climate Policy

Join the Georgetown Climate Center and Georgetown Environment Initiative for a conversation about state and federal climate policymaking with leading state officials and academic experts. A reception will follow the event, celebrating the launch of Georgetown’s new LLM degree in environmental law, welcoming Professor William Buzbee to the faculty, and celebrating Professor Lisa Heinzerling’s recent installation as Brennan Chair. Monday, April 7th, 3:30-5:00pm, Georgetown Law Center, McDonough Hall Room 205. For more information and to register, click here .

Random Acts of Greenness Project

You may find yourself being thanked by a Georgetown student for small actions you take that help make Georgetown more sustainable! From April 7th to April 16th, the Office of Sustainability’s student ambassador team will be recognizing members of the campus community who take that extra step to carry a reusable mug, eat a vegetarian meal, switch off the light, or other small actions that together add up to a big impact. For more information or to get involved, email sustainability@georgetown.edu.

April 9th

Seminar: The Ecological Impacts of Climate Change

A seminar led by Gina Wimp, Assistant Professor of Biology at Georgetown University. The event is part of the Energy and Climate Policy Research Seminar , cosponsored by the Mortara Center for International Studies and the Georgetown Public Policy Institute. Lunch will be served.  Wednesday April 9, 12 – 1:30 PM in ICC 302-P. For more information and to register, click here .

April 11th

Get Outside with Outdoor Ed: Climbing Trip at Carderock

Connect with the natural environment on an Outdoor Ed trip! For more information and to register, visit outdoored.georgetown.edu. With questions, contact kwn6@georgetown.edu.

April 12th

Community Service EVENT: Georgetown Neighborhood Community Clean-Up

In the spirit of service, join a team of campus and community volunteers to help create a cleaner Georgetown!  Volunteers will meet at 9:00 am on Sunday, April 12th and can meet at one of two locations as convenient. Bagels and coffee will be provided, as well as gloves, bags, brooms and other supplies. Suggested casual clothing and close-toed, comfortable shoes for active work. Saturday, April 12th, 9:00-11:00 am.  Meet at Rose Park flag pole (28th & O Streets) or Volta Park Ball Field (34th St and Volta Park). (Note: In case of Heavy Rain, the Rain Date is April 13th, 10:00 am.) Please click here to sign up .

Get Outside with Outdoor Ed: DayHike to Old Rag Mountain

Connect with the natural environment on an Outdoor Ed trip! For more information and to register, visit outdoored.georgetown.edu. With questions, contact kwn6@georgetown.edu.

April 13th

Get Outside with Outdoor Ed: Climbing Trip at Carderock

Connect with the natural environment on an Outdoor Ed trip! For more information and to register, visit outdoored.georgetown.edu. With questions, contact kwn6@georgetown.edu.

April 14th

The Corp’s Annual “Earth Week Green Drink”

Support a local environmental not-for-profit through your morning coffee! Order the Earth Week special at any Corp coffee location on campus from Monday April 14th to Friday April 25th, and proceeds will benefit the Anacostia Watershed Society.

Astrobiology and the Anthropocene: A Talk

Informed by comparative planetology and a survey of the major episodes in Earth history, this lecture will offer a taxonomy of planetary catastrophes meant to illuminate the unusual nature of the “Anthropocene”, the current era of human-driven planetary scale changes, and reframe our current environmental and technological predicaments as part of a larger narrative of planetary evolution. This saga has now reached the pivotal moment when humans have become a dominant force of planetary change, and geological and human history are becoming irreversibly conjoined. Is this a likely or even inevitable challenge facing other complex life in the universe? Possible implications for exoplanet characterization and SETI will be considered, as well as the choices our civilization faces in attempting to create a wisely managed Earth. Monday, April 14th, 4:00 pm, Leavey Program Room (location subject to change). Please register .

April 15th

Planning 203 Session: Spotlight on Campus Sustainability

Find out how sustainability is being integrated into the Georgetown University Master Planning process, and learn more about the effort to create a campus-wide Sustainability Plan at “Planning 203.” Tuesday April 15th, 7:00pm-8:30pm in McShain Lounge. See below for Wednesday information.

April 16th

Planning 203 Session: Spotlight on Campus Sustainability

Find out how sustainability is being integrated into the Georgetown University Master Planning process, and learn more about the effort to create a campus-wide Sustainability Plan at “Planning 203.” Wednesday April 16th, 9:00am-10:30am, Lohrfink Auditorium. See above for Tuesday information.

April 22nd: EARTH DAY

Annual Georgetown Green Square Fair

Come celebrate Earth Day with GU’s environmental groups who will be tabling in Red Square, aka “Green Square” for the day. There will be free food, prizes, and information on incorporating sustainability into your daily activities! A special guest from California, Teens Turning Green, will join the festivities as a part of their nation-wide Conscious College Road Tour ! Sponsored by the GU Center for the Environment, Teens Turning Green, and co-sponsors from across campus. April 22, 11-4pm in Red Square.  For information and to get involved, contact ebn8@georgetown.edu.

Earth Day Lunch at Leo’s!

Georgetown Dining will be serving an Earth Day meal at Leo’s featuring local, organic and sustainable ingredients, and highlighting their many ongoing green initiatives. Be sure to visit during lunch hours! April 22, 11-2:30pm, Leo’s Upper Level.

Riding Your Bike Safely in Traffic: Skills Class

Come learn the basics of safely navigating point A to point B in the DC metropolitan area. Taught by League of American Bicyclists-certified instructor, Jason Clock. Jason is also a Georgetown University employee who bikes to work daily and can offer some great practical tips for those considering biking to work for the first time. Free for faculty, staff and students. Tuesday, April 22, 12:30 – 1:30 pm,  HR Conference Room, Ground Floor, Healy Hall. Please register .

Earth Day Wednesday Wind-Down at Georgetown Law

Please join the Georgetown Environmental Law Society for a Wednesday Wind-down in celebration of Earth Day! Food and drink to be provided. Sponsored by the Wine Club. 3:30PM-5:30PM in The Courtyard at the Georgetown Law campus. For more information contact environment@law.georgetown.edu.

Sustainable Foods Roundtable: Dinner and Discussion with Teens Turning Green

Join Teens Turning Green and the Georgetown Center for the Environment for a roundtable discussion on sustainable, healthy food. Special guests Ashley Koff, RD, a celebrity dietician, and Jessica Shade, PhD, Director of Science Programs for The Organic Center, will lend their expertise on informed food purchasing. Dinner will be provided! April 22, 5:00-6:30 pm, Sellinger Lounge. For information and to get involved, contact ebn8@georgetown.edu.

Earth Day Keynote: “The Value of Nature,” with Mark Tercek, President and CEO of The Nature Conservancy

Join an evening keynote and conversation with Mark Tercek, President and CEO of The Nature Conservancy (TNC), the global conservation organization known for its intense focus on collaboration and getting things done for the benefit of people and nature. The event will explore themes from Mark’s bestselling book Nature’s Fortune: How Business and Society Thrive by Investing in Nature . The first 15 guests will receive a free copy of Mr. Tercek’s book! Tuesday, April 22, ICC Auditorium. Doors open at 6:45pm, event begins at 7:00pm. Please register to attend.  Click here to download an event flyer.

April 23rd
Georgetown University Energy Prize: Launch Event

On April 23rd, Georgetown University will formally announce the first-of-its-kind, Georgetown University Energy Prize . Featured speakers at the launch event will include Daniel Poneman, Deputy Secretary of the U.S. Department of Energy; John J. DeGioia, President of Georgetown University; and Ellen S. Alberding, President of the Joyce Foundation. Wednesday, April 23rd, 12:00-2:00 pm in Copley Formal Lounge. Click here to register.

April 30th
Service and Study Break: spring Clothing Swap

Think green as you spring clean! Join the team behind the MoveOut Drive for our first-ever Spring Clothing Swap. All students are invited to bring their unwanted clothing (in good or excellent condition) and exchange for some new treasures. At least one item for donation is requested for entry to the Swap. All remaining clothing will be collected and donated to a local charity. Give new life to those old clothes!  Sponsored by the Office of Sustainability and partners across campus in conjunction with the annual Spring Into Service: MoveOut Drive. Wednesday, April 30th from 1-4 pm in the Leavey Program Room. For more information, visit the Clothing Swap on Facebook or email sustainability@georgetown.edu.