Student Organizations and Campus Life

Georgetown students passionate about leading and making a difference on sustainability will find a wide range of opportunities to connect with like-minded peers on campus. Below is a list of active student organizations at Georgetown addressing sustainability from many different perspectives and approaches.

For information about a particular group below, please contact the group directly. If you have an update to suggest for this page, please send an email to!

Undergraduate student groups:
  • Georgetown Environmental Leaders Network (GEL) – Launched by GUSA, Georgetown Environmental Leaders (GEL) facilitates cooperation and support between different environmental groups and organizations at Georgetown, and helps sustainability-minded students find organizations that suit their interests. GEL supports environmental student groups by helping them recruit interested students, publicize events, work with University administrators, and more. 
  • Georgetown Renewable Energy and Environmental Network (GREEN) – The goal of GREEN is to create positive environmental impacts through active participation in education, advocacy and voluntering, so to benefit both Georgetown University and the community at large.
  • The Corp Green Initiative – The Corp Green Team is a group of Corp employees who work to make the Corp’s services, including their storefronts, as sustainable as possible. For more info contact
  • Sustainable Oceans Alliance (SOA)  – Founded at Georgetown, SOA is a youth-led organization that empowers Millennials to become leaders in preserving the health and sustainability of our oceans.
  • Community Garden Club  – Georgetown’s Community Garden Club (CGC) aims to connect the campus community to food and the natural environment by involving students in on-campus gardens.
  • GUSA Sustainability  – The sustainability arm of Georgetown University’s student government. 
  • Georgetown University Farmers’ Market – The Georgetown University Farmers’ Market was founded to improve access and availability of healthy and fresh food on Georgetown’s campus, to promote the benefits of local and sustainable agriculture, to support and encourage a holistic view of nutrition and personal health, and to develop a community engaged in these topics.
  • GU Fossil Free – A student-run campaign that encourages the university to divest from fossil fuel companies and re-invest in a more sustainable future.
  • Animalia Georgetown – Animalia Georgetown is dedicated to promoting humane practices and fostering awareness of animal welfare issues. All animal lovers welcome!

Student groups by School:

McCourt School of Public Policy

McDonough School of Business

  • Net Impact – The Georgetown Chapter of national group, Net Impact. As a new generation of business leaders, students are looking at ways to use the power of business to create a better world.
  • MSB Energy and Clean Tech Club – Georgetown Energy and CleanTech Club brings together students from across the many schools of Georgetown University interested in issues of energy (traditional and renewable sources), climate change, cleantech, and sustainability.

Georgetown Law

  • Georgetown Law Green Campus Alliance – GGCA believes that Georgetown Law can set the example, promoting sustainable food and waste practices that ultimately lead to a healthier and more vibrant community.

other Campus Life Sustainability initiatives:
  • Outdoor Education – Through wilderness based endeavors, Georgetown University Outdoor Education seeks to teach, to inspire, and guide students, faculty, staff and the outlying public, creating a community where learning, personal challenge, reflection, and increased compassion for others and the environment are fostered and upheld as core values.
  • Georgetown University Social Innovation and Public Service (SIPS) Fund  – The SIPS Fund is a $1.5 million student-run fund that allocates approximately $60,000 in grant money every year to help students and alumni start their own social ventures. SIPS evaluates grant proposals based on four pillars–Innovation, Sustainability, Impact on Community, and Impact on Student.


As with any dynamic community, some initiatives evolve or end over time. The organizations below are former organizations at Georgetown focused on the environment and sustainability. If you have an update about any of the groups below, send it to and we’ll be sure to update this page!

EcoAction – EcoAction was founded in the 1990s as Georgetown’s leading student environmental organization. In 2016, EcoAction merged with Georgetown Energy to become GREEN.

Georgetown Energy – A team of Georgetown students focused on energy solutions developed a roadmap for Washington D.C. homeowners to implement rooftop solar technology. Georgetown Energy was instrumental in installing solar panels on six University townhouses just outside the University’s main gates.

Visions for A Sustainable Georgetown – A group of students working to demonstrate student interest in creating a sustainability plan and climate action plan for the university. Their 2012 study was instrumental in establishing Georgetown’s Office of Sustainability.

Project Hilltop – A group of RAs, Hall Directors, and residents working together to promote community ownership of our physical space on campus.

The Georgetown Green House on Magis Row – One of Georgetown’s intentional communities in the Magis Row townhouses, where students share a particular interest and want to explore that interest with a faculty/staff member through the lens of academics and social justice. Georgetown Green House is a community of students who believe that sustainable living is easy when done in a smart and collaborative manner. Green House works to strengthen Georgetown’s commitment to more ecologically responsible practices by leading through example.

Georgetown Conservation Corps – A group through Georgetown’s Center for Social Justice that works with DC community organizations such as Casey Trees and Earth Conservation Corps to address issues of Environmental Justice.

Georgetown Unconventional Eaters – GUE facilitates the organic, vegetarian, vegan, local and healthy food choices of Georgetown students.